Knowledge Base

    Release notes for June 2024 Maintenance Release 1....
    This help article shows you how to print projects in Inspire Planner....
    This help article discusses how to enable/disable task email notifications....
    This help article discusses the Save As feature for projects in Inspire Planner....
    This help article will show you how to create and apply project templates....
    This help article will show you to how to disable the parent task rollup job in Inspire Planner....
    This help article outlines the necessary configurations to support the synchronous rollup of Status and % Complete to Parent Tasks....
    This help article explains how planned and actual effort values are rolled up to Project Team records....
    This help article explains how to use the Column Quick Filter to filter tasks in a project....
    This help article explains the Project Scheduling Direction in the Gantt Lightning Web Component (LWC)....