Resource LWC - BETA - Resource Scheduler

    The Resource Scheduler allows you to easily re-assign tasks between resources via drag and drop. The Resource Scheduler component is available in both the Gantt Lightning Web Component (LWC) as well as the Utilization tab in the Resource LWC.


    Please note the following:

    • The Resource Scheduler component is only available in Gantt LWC and is not available in Gantt VisualForce.
    • The Resource Scheduler component is only available in Resource LWC and is not available in the legacy Resource Allocation page.
    • For you to be able to see and use the Resource Scheduler, your Salesforce Admin must first complete the steps outlined in the Admin Guide - Resource LWC - BETA.


    Resource Scheduler in the Gantt LWC

    The Resource Scheduler in the Gantt LWC displays all project team members in the project and the tasks assigned to them. You can re-assign tasks between resources in the Resource Scheduler component via drag and drop.


    To open the Resource Scheduler component, click on the Display Scheduler icon in the project toolbar.


    The Resource Scheduler component will be displayed below the project Gantt. The Display Resource Scheduler icon will appear highlighted when the component is displayed. Click on the same icon to close the Resource Scheduler component.



    Resources are sorted alphabetically in ascending order by first name. It will display all project team members in the project even if there are no tasks assigned to them. This is to allow you to see all project resources and tasks assigned to them (if any).


    To see a resource in the Resource Scheduler, you must first add them as a project team member to the project.


    • Assigned Tasks - this is the total number of tasks assigned to the resource in the project.
    • Assigned Workdays - this is the total duration of all tasks assigned to the resource in the project.


    You can sort resources in ascending or descending order using any of the column headings in Resource Scheduler.



    Use the icons above the project Gantt chart to zoom in and out of dates, move between dates or see the full timeline. These adjust the project Gantt chart and the Resource Scheduler Gantt chart.



    Hover over the task bars in Resource Scheduler to see the Task Name, Start and Finish Date.



    The line connecting the task bars represents the task dependency between them.



    To re-assign a task from one resource to another, simply drag and drop the task bar. You will notice that as you are dragging the task bar between resources, the destination resource row is highlighted so you can easily see which resource you are assigning it to.


    In the example below, if we drag the task from Karen to Anna, you will notice it is highlighting the row for Anna. This means you are re-assigning the task to her.



    When a task is re-assigned, it updates the value in Assigned To for the Project Task. 



    What happens when a task is re-assigned from one resource to another in the Resource Scheduler?


    • A new Salesforce Task will be created for the new resource.
    • The Salesforce Task assigned to the former resource is marked for deletion and will be deleted when the Inspire Planner Beacon runs.
    • If there are time entries already logged by the former resource, the Salesforce Task for the former resource is then retained. However, the former resource's name will no longer display in Assigned To.


    You can also view resource utilization in the Gantt LWC. Click on the Resource Utilization icon in the Project Toolbar. This allows you to see each resource’s total allocated effort for all tasks assigned to them across all projects and see if they have bandwidth or if they are available.


    The Resource Utilization component will open below the project Gantt. The Resource Utilization icon will appear highlighted when the component is displayed. Click on the same icon to close.


    • Only project team members (user and contacts) who are assigned tasks in the project will be displayed.
    • In the Gantt on the right, it will display the total allocated effort for each resource for all tasks assigned to them in the dates displayed on top of the Gantt.
    • If you expand a resource, it will display the tasks that make up the total allocated effort for the dates displayed in the Gantt. 



    You can have both the Resource Utilization and Resource Scheduler components displayed at the same time. Simply click on each icon in the project toolbar to display the component. 



    You can drag the divider between the Project Gantt and the Resource Utilization component vertically to increase the height of the Resource Utilization component. 



    Having both components displayed allows you to see each resource’s utilization while you drag and drop tasks to re-assign them in Resource Scheduler.  


    Please note the following:

    • The Resource Utilization component will only display the resource's assigned tasks in a project that you have access to. This means that if there are tasks assigned to the resource in a project you do not have access to, then these do not display in the Resource Utilization component.
    • Both Resource Scheduler and Resource Utilization components default to be hidden when you open a project. This means that if you leave the project and come back to it, or if you refresh the page, both components will be hidden and you will need to re-open them using the icons in the project toolbar.



    Resource Scheduler in the Resource LWC

    The Resource Scheduler in the Utilization tab of the Resource LWC allows you to see resources' assigned tasks for the dates displayed on top and re-assign tasks between resources via drag and drop.


    To open the Resource Scheduler, click on the Resource Scheduler icon



    The Resource Scheduler component will be displayed below the resource utilization component. 



    Use the icons in the top right corner to navigate between dates, define a date range or change your zoom preference. These will adjust the dates displayed in both the utilization component and the resource scheduler component. 



    When you scroll left or right using the scroll bar in either component, both components will adjust so that you are able to see the same tasks and dates in both components. 



    You can re-assign tasks in the Resource Scheduler via drag and drop. Simply drag a task bar from one resource to another. It will highlight the destination resource’s name as you drag the task to indicate that this is the resource you are assigning this task to. 



    The utilization component will automatically update the resource's utilization based on the re-assignment made in Resource Scheduler. 



    Please note the following: 

    • When you re-assign a task to a different resource, a project team record is then automatically created for the new resource in the project (unless there is already an existing project team record). 
    • A new Salesforce Task is created for the new assigned resource. The Salesforce Task for the former resource is then marked for deletion and will be deleted when the Inspire Planner Beacon runs.
    • If the former resource has logged time on their task, then the Salesforce Task is retained, but the former resource's name will no longer display in the project task "Assigned To" column in the project.


    Task Bar Colors and their meaning in Resource Scheduler 

    You will notice that the task bars are displayed in distinct colors in the Resource Scheduler. 


    • Red – this indicates that the task is still open and is overdue. 

    • Green – this indicates that the task is complete (or equivalent custom status). 

    • Blue – this indicates that the task is in progress (or equivalent custom status). 




    Resource ManagementResource LWC - BETA

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