Admin Guide - Exclude Task Status from Time Tracker

    Time Tracker allows assigned resources to log the time they spend working on their assigned Tasks. By default, the Time Tracker page will display your assigned tasks where the task duration falls within the week displayed. Within the Records List on the left, you will see all Projects where Project Status is not "Completed" or "Canceled" and where there are Tasks assigned to you. 


    There may be instances, however, where you may not want tasks of a certain status to display in Time Tracker. For example, you may not want completed or deferred tasks to display.


    There is a custom setting within Time Tracker Settings that lets you specify which Task statuses to exclude from displaying in Time Tracker. This help article will show you how to define which task statuses to exclude from Time Tracker.


    Please Note:

    You must be a Salesforce System Administrator to complete the steps outlined below.



    1. Click on the Gear Icon at the top right corner and go to Setup.

    2. Enter "Custom Settings" in the Quick Find box and click on Custom Settings.

    3. Click on Manage beside Time Tracker Settings.

    4. Click on New.

    5. In the setting labeled "Exclude Statuses from Time Tracker", enter the task status you would like to exclude from Time Tracker.

      You can enter multiple values separated by a semi-colon (see example below).

    6. Click on Save when finished. All tasks that have a status defined in "Exclude Statuses from Time Tracker" will not display in the Time Tracker component as well as the records list on the left of the time tracker.


    AdministrationTime Tracker

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