Gantt LWC - Column Quick Filter Bar

    The Column Quick Filter Bar allows you to easily filter tasks by column in the project Gantt. 


    Please Note:

    • The Column Quick Filter Bar is only available in the Gantt Lightning Web Component (LWC) and is not available in Gantt Visualforce projects.
    • When opening a project, the Column Quick Filter Bar is hidden by default. This means that if you leave the project or refresh the page, the Column Quick Filter Bar is hidden.
    • If the project in Gantt Visualforce has filters applied, and it is converted to Gantt LWC, the filters are removed and you will need to apply them again using the Column Quick Filter Bar.


    Display Column Quick Filter Bar

    To display the Column Quick Filter Bar, simply click on the "Display Column Quick Filter Bar" icon in the Project Toolbar.



    You can also right-click on any column heading and click on Show Filter Bar.


    The Column Quick Filter Bar will display on top of the project Gantt. When the Column Quick Filter Bar is displayed, the Column Quick Filter Bar icon appears highlighted in blue.



    Hide Column Quick Filter Bar

    To hide the Column Quick Filter Bar, simply click on the "Display Column Quick Filter Bar" icon again in the Project Toolbar.



    You can also right-click on any column heading and click on Hide Filter Bar.



    How to Filter Tasks by Data Type

    If filtering is available for a column, it will display the option to filter in the Column Quick Filter Bar. How you filter tasks depends on the data type. 


    • Text (as in the case of Task Subject or custom text fields)

      Enter a keyword in the search box, and it will return tasks that contain the keyword.

      If you enter multiple keywords (as in the example below), it will return tasks that contain the keywords together.

      To remove the filter, you can either delete the keyword in the box or click on the "x" to the right.

    • Picklists and Multi-select Picklists (as in the case of Status and Mulit-Role)

      Select one or more values from the picklist and it will apply an OR operator between values. In the example below, it will return all tasks where the status is "In Progress" OR "Not Started".

      To remove all values in the filter, simply click on the "x" to the right.

      To remove one value, click on the "x" to the right of the value you want to remove.

    • Duration

      Enter the duration followed by the unit. For example, if you enter "2 d", it will return all tasks where duration is 2 days. If you enter "2 w", it will return all tasks where duration is 2 weeks.

    • Start Date, Finish Date, Actual Start Date, Actual Finish Date, custom date, and custom date/time fields

      Click on the calendar icon and select a date from the calendar. It will return all tasks that match the date you selected. You can also choose to manually type in a date in the search box.

    • Assigned To

      To filter tasks by assigned resource, enter the resource name in the search box. It will return all tasks assigned to resources that contain the name you entered. You can only search for one resource at a time.

    • Predecessors

      Enter a number in the box, and it will return all tasks that contain that number in the Predecessor field. For example, if we enter "7", it will return all tasks that contain this number in Predecessors.

    • Custom Fields
      • Percent
      • Picklist
      • Mult-select picklist
      • Text
      • Rich text
      • URL
      • Currency
      • Number


    To filter tasks using the custom field types listed above, you will need to enter a value in the search box, and it will return tasks that contain the value you entered. It only supports filtering of tasks one value at a time.


    Please note the following:

    • Filtering on custom lookup fields is not currently supported.
    • If you are filtering on multiple columns (for example, if you have a filter in Task Subject and Status), then it will return tasks that match the filters applied (both task subject AND status)


    Filter Indicator

    If there is a filter applied to a column, the column heading will appear highlighted (please see example below). This makes it easier for you to tell which columns have filtering applied even when the Column Quick Filter Bar is hidden.


    Please note:

    • The filters applied are saved as part of the user project settings. This means that if User A applies filters, it only impacts User A. When User B opens the project, all tasks will display for User B unless User B applies his own filters.
    • Since the filters are saved as part of user project settings, this means that whenever the same user opens the same project, the same filters will be applied based on their user project settings.
    • If a column has filters applied, and you hide the column, the filters for that column are then removed. 


    Getting Started - Gantt LWC

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