Inspire Planner Data Model

    Understanding the data model behind Inspire Planner and how the different records (objects) relate to each other, is beneficial when building reports. This will also serve as a guide when choosing the appropriate report type.


    Below is the Inspire Planner Data Model.




    Helpful hints:

    • When creating a report containing tasks and the resources they are assigned to, it would be best to use a report type called "Resource Utilization" as this report type allows you to report on Salesforce Tasks and the related Inspire Planner records.
    • When reporting on Projects, you can also include data from any other object that the Project has a lookup to such as Accounts and Opportunities.
    • If you would like to create a report containing time entries and also include data from Projects and Project Tasks that the time entries are related to, it would be best to use a report type called "Project Time Tracking". Since the Time Entry object has a lookup to the Project Task object, this means that you can include data from the time entry records as well as data from the Project and Project Task records.
    • If you would like to report on both assigned and unassigned Project Tasks, you can use the report type called "Project Tasks with/without Salesforce Tasks". For example, if you would like to pull all project tasks and see who the assigned Resource is if the task is assigned. 
    • You cannot edit the Inspire Planner Report Types because they are part of a managed package. However, you can clone them and then edit the clone.



    Related Article: Inspire Planner Custom Report Types





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