JUN 2024 - Major Release - 1.356 - 1.357

    See below for what's coming with Inspire Planner's June 2024 (1.356-1.357) Major Release.


    Released To:

    Sandboxes: June 17, 2024 at 10 PM ET
    Production: July 1, 2024 at 10 PM ET


    Available In:

    Sandboxes: June 18, 2024
    Production: July 2, 2024


    Premium + Production Upgrade Deadline: July 30, 2024


    Lightning Web Components (Project Gantt, Portfolio, Resources)

    This section contains new features, enhancements and fixes specific to the Lightning Web Components - Gantt LWC, Portfolio LWC, and Resource LWC. 


    Item #


    New Features




    Impact/Action Needed

    GLWC-104 Project - Scheduling Direction 

    You can now define the scheduling direction for a project - Forward or Backward.

    For more information, please see Gantt LWC - Project Scheduling Direction.

     Admin Guide - Gantt LWC - Scheduling Direction
    GLWC-122 Project - Project Start Date and Project End Date Setting 

    We've added a new setting to the Project Gantt that allows you to set the Project Start Date (for forward-scheduled projects) or set the Project End Date (for backward-scheduled projects). This allows users to define a project start or end date and all tasks without predecessors will be rescheduled to the same start or end date.

    For more information, please see Gantt LWC - Project Scheduling Direction as these features are related to each other. 

     Please refer to the Admin Guide for Scheduling Direction above
    GLWC-352 Project - Column Quick Filter Bar 

    We've added a new Column Quick Filter bar that makes it easier for users to filter tasks in a project.

    For more information, please see Gantt LWC - Column Quick Filter Bar

     No action required

    Project - Resource Scheduler Component

    (Closed BETA)


    This new feature allows you to view utilization for project team members in the project Gantt. It also allows you to re-assign tasks from one resource to another via drag and drop and see utilization updates in real-time.

    *Please note that this feature is a Closed Beta available to Premium+ customers only on a requested basis. Please reach out to your CSM if you are interested in participating.

     No action required

    Resource LWC - Project and Resource Hierarchy

    (Closed BETA)


    This new feature allows you to see tasks grouped by project and by resource in Resource LWC. You can now see total effort per project per resource.

    *Please note that this feature is a Closed Beta available to Premium+ customers only on a requested basis. Please reach out to your CSM if you are interested in participating.

     No action required

    Resource LWC - Re-assignment of tasks via Drag & Drop

    (Closed BETA)


    This new feature allows you to re-assign tasks from one resource to another via drag and drop within the Resource LWC.

    *Please note that this feature is a Closed Beta available to Premium+ customers only on a requested basis. Please reach out to your CSM if you are interested in participating.

     No action required

    Resource LWC - Additional Filter Options

    (Closed BETA)


    New filter options have been added to Resource LWC to allow you to search for resources by attributes, resource name or project.

    *Please note that this feature is a Closed Beta available to Premium+ customers only on a requested basis. Please reach out to your CSM if you are interested in participating.

     No action required





    Impact/Action Needed

    GLWC-358 Project - Gantt LWC saving optimization We've made adjustments to Gantt LWC to optimize saving. No action required
    IP-559 Project - Add help text to Project Settings We've added help text to each option in Project Settings to provide users with more information on what each setting does. This is available in both Gantt VF and Gantt LWC No action required

    Resolved Issues




    Impact/Action Needed

    GLWC-327 Project - Update Constraint Logic in Manual mode We've made updates to the constraint logic for Gantt LWC in Manual mode. Adjusting the task Finish Date now correctly adjusts the task duration. No action required
    GLWC-337 Project - Actual Start Date does not support localized format The Actual Start Date field in the Gantt LWC now allows input in the format of dd/mm/yyyy. No action required
    GLWC-351 Project - Priority and Status not carried over to Salesforce Task Priority and Status values are now correctly carried over to the related Salesforce Task No action required

    Project - JS Error when saving project or clicking on the Column Quick Filter Bar Icon

     Projects now correctly save without errors and clicking on Column Quick Filter bar displays filters without errors. No action required

    Project - Consecutive Predecessor updates stops task recalculation

     Successor tasks now correctly recalculate even when consecutively updating predecessor tasks. No action required
    IP-582 Project - Save Logic Inconsistent with Record Count We've made adjustments to the project save logic to only save rows that have been updated. No action required
    IP-586 Portfolio - Query Limit Mismatch The search query limit of 200 records now only displays when the results returned by a search exceed 200 records. No action required


    Legacy Components and Other Items

    This section provides updates on our legacy components, including Gantt Visualforce, Portfolio Visualforce, and Resource Allocation, in addition to detailing enhancements and fixes across various aspects of Inspire Planner like Inspire Planner System Jobs and the External Project Portal. While we continue to support these legacy components, we want to highlight our strategic shift towards prioritizing development on Lightning Web Components (LWC). This move is in line with our goal to harness the latest Salesforce technologies for delivering solutions that are not only more efficient and scalable but also rich in features. We encourage our users to start considering the transition to LWC-based components, to fully benefit from the continuous innovations within Inspire Planner.








    Impact/Action Needed

    IP-467 Beacon Job - Improved Parent Rollup Beacon Job We've updated the Parent Task Rollup logic for Status and % Complete to execute synchronously in the same job as the child task sync. This means that parent task Status and % Complete will now update without a user needing to open the Project schedule.  

    If you are using custom permission sets, please follow the instructions in 

    Admin Guide - Parent Rollup Beacon Logic


    If you have custom flows that update parent tasks, you can disable the parent task rollup job. Please see Admin Guide - Disable Parent Task Rollup Job



    Resolved Issues




    Impact/Action Needed


    Project - Project Task Planned Effort Updates do not roll up to Project Team


    Project Team Total Allocated Effort now correctly updates when:

    • Project Task Planned Effort is updated
    • % Allocation is adjusted
    • Project Task is assigned/unassigned
    • Project Task or Salesforce Task is deleted


    For more information, please see Project Team - Total Allocated Effort and Total Actual Effort

     No action required
    IP-509 Project - Project Task status updates do not adjust related Salesforce Tasks When the project task status is updated, it is now correctly updating the status of the related Salesforce Tasks. No action required

    Project - Total Allocated Effort not consistently calculating

     Total Allocated Effort now consistently calculates when tasks with Planned Effort are assigned. Please run the Reconcile Collaborator and Rollup Date job in Inspire Planner Settings page
    IP-576 Project - Developer Script exception 'inspire1.SetReadyToStartBatchJob' Sync queue records are now correctly created and processed by the Beacon even when the Salesforce Task "Related To" field is updated to a record in another object. No action required
    IP-581 Project - Namespace Issue for Custom Project Status Report We've addressed an issue with namespace which was preventing the Project Status Report button from referencing the custom project status report custom setting. No action required
    IP-604 Project Task Trigger - Failure with update batch When updates are made to the schedule, system fields now correctly update for parent tasks. No action required

    Rollup Job - Effort rollup not rounding to two decimal places

     Salesforce Task, Project Task and Project Team records will now round up Actual Effort to two decimal places. No action required
    IP-562 Resource LWC - Inactive users continue to display in Attributes Inactive users no longer display in the "Assigned Users" list in the Attributes tab in Resource Management. No action required

    Rescheduled Items




    Impact/Action Needed

    IP-522 Project Task - Deprecate Role - re-scheduled to October 2024 Major Release Due to customer feedback, an extension has been provided. In preparation for this, we recommend migrating to Multi-Role field. Please see instructions here: Migrating from Role to Multi-Role


    Release Notes

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