Once you've created a Project Plan, you can then begin to assign project tasks to resources. In Inspire Planner, a resource is the person (user or contact) who is responsible for completing the task. Project Tasks can also be assigned to a queue in Salesforce.
For context, a user is someone who has login access to Salesforce. This would typically include internal employees who are able to log in to your Salesforce org. A contact is someone who does not have login access to Salesforce. For example, you may be working with an external contractor or a client on a Project. The external contractor and/or client does not have the ability to log in to Salesforce. A queue in Salesforce acts like a holding place or bin for records that have no owner. You can choose to assign tasks to a queue and members of the queue can take ownership of a task. For example, imagine you have a Development Team responsible for a set of Tasks within the Project. You can choose to assign the Tasks to your Development Team queue and members of the queue can then choose to take ownership of the Tasks.
When a Project Task is assigned to a user, contact or queue, a related Salesforce Task is automatically created. For more information on how Project Tasks and Salesforce Tasks relate to each other, please see Inspire Planner Project Tasks and Salesforce Tasks.
Salesforce users are able to see and update their assigned Tasks either directly from the Project (if they have been given editing permissions) or from their Salesforce Tasks.
Contacts can only see the Project and their assigned Tasks through the Inspire Planner External Project Portal. This means you will need to add the contact as a collaborator on the Project. For more information, please see Share Projects by Adding Project Collaborators and Using the Inspire Planner External Project Portal.
Tasks assigned to a queue are visible to all members of the queue. For more information, please see Assigning Tasks to Queues.
Start with the video below:
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To assign a project task, double click on the project task row under the 'Assigned To' column.
Then, click on the Edit icon.
Search for a user or contact by entering the person's name in the search box and click on Search. If the person you are looking for does not come up as a result, check to make sure that the user or contact exists within Salesforce.
A list of users and/or contacts that match the name you entered will display. Place a checkmark beside the user/contact you wish to assign the task to and click on Assign Task.
The user/contact you selected will now appear in the box below labeled 'Assigned (Salesforce Tasks)'. If you would like to assign the project task to multiple users/contacts, repeat the process of searching and selecting resources until you've added all the resources you need. Once finished, click on the Close button below.
The users and/or contacts you've added will now appear in the 'Assigned To' column beside the project task. If there are multiple resources, their names will appear separated by commas.
Once you've assigned a project task to a user/contact, they now become a part of your project resource. This means that if you need to assign project tasks to them within the same project, you don't need to search for them again. Their names will now appear as resource options when you double click on the row under the 'Assigned To' column. This makes it quick and easy for you to assign project tasks.
Simply place a checkmark beside a user/contact to assign the project task to them. You can select multiple users/contacts if the project task needs to be assigned to multiple resources.
Always remember to save your changes by clicking on the Save Project Plan icon in the Project Toolbar on the left.
Once project tasks have been assigned to resources, you can define what percentage of the project task the assigned resource is responsible for. By default, the assigned user is responsible for 100% of the project task. This is defined in 'units'.
To view the percentage in units for an assigned resource, double click on the assigned resource's name and click on the down arrow.
You will see the percentage in units beside the assigned resource's name.
If there are multiple resources assigned to the project task, you can define what percentage of the task each resource is responsible for. Double click on the percentage and either enter a value or use the up and down arrows to adjust the value.
If an assigned resource needs to be removed perhaps because the resource is no longer available or you wish to assign the task to someone else, you have the ability to remove them from the project task.
To remove an assigned resource, simply double click on the assigned resource's name and click on the down arrow.
Next, remove the checkmark beside the person's name.
Then click anywhere outside the box to close it. The 'Assigned To' field will no longer display the name of the resource you removed.
For help with other questions, check out our Inspire Planner Help tab for more How-To Guides and Community Q&A. If you still cannot find what you need, log a Help Ticket and someone from our Inspire Support Team will get back to you.