Resource LWC - BETA - Project Allocation

    The project-based allocation/assignment model allows you to assign resources at the project level, defining their assignment timeframe and % allocation (or hours) in the project. This provides you with the ability to see resource utilization by project instead of viewing resource utilization by task.


    You create a Project-based allocation in the Project Team record for a Project. 



    Please note:

    This help article has been updated to reflect the change in how project allocations are created. This enhancement will be available in the FEB 2025 Major Release, which will be available in Production environments on March 4, 2025.


    This help article will show you how to create project-based allocation using either option, as well as how to view Project-Based Utilization.


    Create Project Allocations in the Project Team Record for a Project

    You can create a project-based allocation for a resource by creating Project Allocation records in the project team record in the project.


    1. In the project, go to the Team Tab.

    2. Look for the project team record for the resource you would like to create a project-based allocation for. If a project team record for the resource does not yet exist, create the project team record first. Go to the project team record by clicking on the Team Member Number.

    3. Scroll down the page and look for the "Project Allocations" related list. This is where you create project allocation records.

      Click on New.

    4. Populate the project allocation details.

      Assignment Start and Assignment Finish - Define the start and end date that the resource is allocated to the project.

      Assignment Model - This is required. Choose between "Percentage" or "Hourly".

      Percentage will allow you to specify % Allocation of the resource's working hours per day. For example, if the Resource's working hours per day is set to "8" hours and you set % allocation to "75%". Then, the resource's project-based allocation would plot at 75% of 8 hours which is 6 hours per day.

      Hourly will allow you to specify total assignment hours for the resource for the project.

      For example, if you set Hours to 20, it will be divided over the period between the Assignment Start and Assignment Finish Date. If the Assignment Start and Finish Date is from Feb 3, 2025 to Feb 7, 2025, this would give us 5 working days in between, so it will be plotted as 4 hours per day for 5 days.

    5. Click on Save to save the record. You can create multiple project allocation records. For example, if the resource is going to be allocated to the project only during the first week and last week of the month, you can create an allocation record for the first week and another allocation record for the last week.



    Create Project Allocations from Resource Utilization

    You can create a project allocations for a resource by creating a project team record from the Utilization Tab in Resource Management.


    1. In the Utilization Tab of Resource Management, switch your view to Projects.

    2. Click on the Add to Project Team icon beside a resource's name. This allows you to create a new project team record for the resource in a project.

    3. Search for the project.

    4. You have the option to define the resource's role in the project, as well as populate the resource's hourly rate. If you populate the role and there are tasks with the same role in the project, it will automatically assign tasks to the resource.

      You also have the option to automatically add the resource as a collaborator on the project and specify their permissions as a collaborator.

      Please note:
      Only Salesforce users can be added as project collaborators via the project team. If the resource you are creating a project allocation for is a contact, setting "Add as collaborator" to TRUE will not add the contact as a collaborator.

    5. Next, select "Project" as the Assignment Model. 

    6. You will then need to populate the following:

      Assignment Start - This is required and is the project assignment start date
      Assignment Finish - This is required and is the project assignment finish date

      The Assignment Start and Assignment Finish Date determines the duration of the project-based allocation. 

      Assignment Model - This is required. Choose between "Percentage" or "Hourly".

      Percentage will allow you to specify % Allocation of the resource's working hours per day. For example, if the Resource's working hours per day is set to "8" hours and you set % allocation to "75%". Then, the resource's project-based allocation would plot at 75% of 8 hours which is 6 hours per day.

      Please note:
      If the Resource's working hours per day is blank, Inspire Planner will check if Default Planned Effort custom setting is populated and plot according to this value. If Default Planned Effort custom setting is blank, it will plot according to % allocation of 8 hours.

      Hourly will allow you to specify total assignment hours for the resource for the project.

      For example, if you set Assignment Hours to 20, it will divide 20 hours over the Assignment Start and Assignment Finish Date. If Assignment Start and Finish Date is from Oct 14, 2024 to Oct 25, 2024, this would give us 10 working days in between so it will plot as 2 hours per day for 10 days.

    7. Remember to click on Save to save your changes.

      Please note:
      Inspire Planner will check if a project team record with the same role for the resource already exists. If yes, it will prevent you from creating a duplicate project team record. To create a project allocations for the resource, you will need to go to the project, and Create Project Allocation in the Project.


    How to View Project Utilization

    The Utilization Tab in Resource Management allows you to choose whether to see resource utilization for tasks or for projects.


    Tasks will only display utilization of tasks assigned to resources, grouped by project. This will not include project allocations.


    Projects will only display project allocations. This will not include task allocation.



    Please note:

    Your view preference is saved as part of your resource profile record. This means that if you have set the view to "Projects", the next time you go to Resource Utilization, it will default the view to "Projects".

    When viewing project allocations, you can still use the Gantt Icons in the top right to change your zoom preferences, change your date range, etc.



    Resource LWC - BETA

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