Inspire Planner allows you to define the Timezone for your Projects. This feature is particularly useful when there are project managers who may be located in one timezone and the assigned resource is located on different timezone. The Project Manager is able to specify the project timezone so that when he/she is looking at the project interface, the project schedule is displayed using the project timezone.
When the assigned resource, who is located in a different timezone, view his/her tasks, the task start and end times are displayed according to the resource's user timezone.
If you need to add values to the timezone picklist, please see: Updating Timezone Picklist Values.
This section will walk you through how to add the Timezone field to the Project page layout if it is not part of the page.
You can define the Timezone during Project Creation. Simply populate the Timezone value when creating the project.
For more information on how the project timezone is defined, please see Project Timezone Assignment.
You can change the Timezone for an existing Project by clicking on the Project Settings Icon within the Project interface.
Adjust the time zone and click on Apply.
Related article: Updating Timezone Picklist Values