Uninstalling Inspire Planner

    We are sad to see you go but should you need to uninstall Inspire Planner, this help article will show you how.


    Before you can uninstall Inspire Planner, you will need to revert/undo all of the configurations you made for Inspire Planner. This includes (but may not be limited to):


    • Removing Inspire Planner fields from page layouts (including any custom fields you created in Inspire Planner objects)
    • Removing Inspire Planner components on pages
    • Unassigning Inspire Planner permission sets
    • Deactivating any process flows used by Inspire Planner
    • Removing any references to Inspire Planner fields/components in any existing process flows or workflows


    Deactivate Process Flows used by Inspire Planner

    If you have any process flows being used by Inspire Planner, you will need to deactivate them first. This section will show you how.


    1. Click on the Gear Icon at the top right corner and go to Setup.

    2. You would first need to deactivate any active flows being used by Inspire Planner. Enter "Process Builder" in the Quick Find box at the top left corner and click on Process Builder.

    3. Look for any process flows referenced by Inspire Planner that have a status of "Active". You will need to deactivate them. 

      Helpful hint: Process flows that come with or were configured by Inspire Planner usually have "Inspire Planner" in the name although it is possible that you may have configured your own process flows using a different naming convention. It is a good idea to review all of your process flows to see if there are any being used with Inspire Planner and deactivate them.

      Click on the arrow to the left of each process flow to see all active versions under.

    4. For process flows that were installed as part of Inspire Planner, you will find the option to "Deactive" on the right.

      For any custom process flows configured within your Salesforce org, you will need to click on the process flow to view it.

      You will then find a "Deactivate" button at the top right corner.

    5. Once you've deactivated all Inspire Planner-related process flows, you can then uninstall Inspire Planner.


    Uninstall Inspire Planner

    Please remember that in order for you to be able to unsitall Inspire Planner, you need to remove/undo all configurations you made for Inspire Planner. Once you've removed them, you can then follow these steps to uninstall.


    1. Enter "package" within the Quick Find box at the top left corner. Then click on Installed Packages.

    2. Look for Inspire Planner within the list of installed packages and click on Uninstall beside it.

    3. A page containing all of Inspire Planner's package components will be displayed. Scroll to the bottom of the page. 

      Specify whether you would like to save a copy of Inspire Planner's data for 48 hours after uninstall or not. Next, place a check mark in the box for "Yes, I want to uninstall this package and permanently delete all associated components" and finally, click on Uninstall.


    Please note: 

    In case there are still remaining components that need to be removed/undone, the page should provide you a list when you try to uninstall Inspire Planner. You will then need to remove them first and then try uninstalling again.


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