FEB 2025 - Major Release - 1.370

    See below for what's coming with Inspire Planner's February 2025 (1.370) Major Release.


    Released To:

    Sandboxes: February 17, 2025, at 10 PM ET
    Production: March 3, 2025, at 10 PM ET


    Available In:

    Sandboxes: February 18, 2025
    Production: March 4, 2025


    Premium + Production Upgrade Deadline: March 31, 2025


    Lightning Web Components (Project Gantt, Portfolio, Resources)

    This section contains new features, enhancements and fixes specific to the Lightning Web Components - Gantt LWC, Portfolio LWC, and Resource LWC. 


    Item #


    New Features




    Impact/Action Needed

    IP-553 External Project Portal - Enable Project Files 

    With Project Files in External Portal, both Salesforce users and external collaborators can now upload and download files directly, streamlining project document management across teams.

    • Bi-directional file sharing – External collaborators can add files from the portal, and Salesforce users can manage files on their end.
    • Upload & download files seamlessly from either Salesforce or the External Portal.
    • Secure file access with project-level controls—enable or disable file sharing per project.
    • Granular file permissions—choose which files to share externally.
    • File size limit: 2 GB per file (for files uploaded internally in Salesforce) and 30 MB per file (for files uploaded on the external project portal).

    Preview this feature

    For more information, please see External Project Portal - Share Project Files


    If you have custom permission sets, you will need to edit them and grant Read Access and Edit Access to the following fields in the Project object:

    • Enable External File Sharing


    You will also need to add the following Apex Classes:

    • Inspire1.ContentDocumentLinkTriggerHandler
    • Inspire1.ContentDocumentLinkTriggerHandler


    You will need to add the following fields in the Project Object Page Layout and Project Lightning Record pages:

    • Enable External File Sharing


    You will need to add the following fields in the Content Version Object - Page Layout:

    • Share Externally
    • Uploaded from Portal
    GLWC-416 Project - Add Support for Multiple Baselines 

    Our new Multi-Baseline Support allows you to establish and manage up to five baselines, giving you greater visibility into how your projects evolve over time.

    • Define up to five project baselines instead of just one.
    • Easily switch between baselines to compare planned vs. actual timelines.
    • New expand/collapse grouping for a cleaner project view.
    • Simplified column controls—toggle baselines on/off with a single setting.
    • Enhanced Set Baseline options, including the ability to apply changes to all tasks or new tasks only.

    Preview this feature

    For more information, please see Gantt LWC - Set Project Baseline

     If you have custom permission sets, you will need to grant Read Access and Edit Access to the following fields in the Project Task object:
    • Baseline 2 Duration
    • Baseline 2 Duration Unit
    • Baseline 2 Finish
    • Baseline 2 Start
    • Finish Variance 2
    • Start Variance 2
    • Baseline 3 Duration
    • Baseline 3 Duration Unit
    • Baseline 3 Finish
    • Baseline 3 Start
    • Finish Variance 3
    • Start Variance 3
    • Baseline 4 Duration
    • Baseline 4 Duration Unit
    • Baseline 4 Finish
    • Baseline 4 Start
    • Finish Variance 4
    • Start Variance 4
    • Baseline 5 Duration
    • Baseline 5 Duration Unit
    • Baseline 5 Finish
    • Baseline 5 Start
    • Finish Variance 5
    • Start Variance 5


    You will also need to edit the project task page layout and add the above fields to the page layout.

    GLWC-487 Project - Support Launching of Custom Lightning Web Components (LWC) 

    You can now launch a custom Lightning Web Component via an icon in the project Gantt.

     Admin Guide - Enable Launching of Custom LWC from Project Gantt
    GLWC-430 Project - New Component Setting to Disable Multi-Template Import 

    We've added a new component setting to the Gantt LWC which allows you to disable the "Insert Multi-Template" icon in the project toolbar.


    This also provides you with the flexibility to choose when the "Insert Multi-Template" icon is available to a user or not.

     Admin Guide - Disable Insert Multi-Template Feature in the Gantt LWC





    Impact/Action Needed

    GLWC-267 Project - Improve error messaging/handling for Predecessor field We improved the error message displayed to users when the value/format being entered into the predecessor field is invalid. The error message also provides guidance on accepted formats for predecessors and lag times. No action required
    GLWC-471 Project - Improve Unsaved Changes & Save Progress Indicator We improved the progress indicator that is displayed when saving projects to help users better understand what data is being saved.  No action required
    IP-709 Resource LWC - Multiple Allocations of same Resource to a Project 

    With this enhancement, you can now create multiple project-based allocation records for the same resource. For example, you may have a resource allocated to a project for the first and last week of the month. 

    For more information, please see Resource LWC - BETA - Project Allocations


    If you are using custom permission sets, you will need to grant Read, Create, Edit, and Delete access to the Project Allocations object.

    You will need to enable Read Access and Edit Access to all fields in this object.

    You will also need to add the following Apex Classes:

    • Inspire1.ProjectAllocationTriggerHandler
    • Inspire1.ProjectAllocationTriggerHandlerTest


    Please deactivate the following validation rules in the Project Team object:

    • Finish_required_fro_Project_mode
    • Prevent_Allocation_and_Hours
    • Prevent_Start_Greater_Than_Finish
    • Start_required_fro_Project_mode
    • User_or_Contact_Required
    IP-750 Resource LWC - Ability to save Filters When filtering resource utilization by project status or task status, the filters are now saved for each user. If you are using custom permission sets, you will need to enable Read Access and Edit Access to the following fields in the Resource Profile object.
    • Default Project Assignment Model
    • Filters 

    Resolved Issues




    Impact/Action Needed

    GLWC-394 Project - Milestone Task Duration inconsistently saving Milestone task duration of "0" days now saves correctly. No action required
    GLWC-410 Project - Custom Lookup fields display ID instead of name When a user double-clicks on a custom lookup field to edit and there is an existing value in the field, the cell now correctly displays the record name instead of the ID.

    This fix also addresses an intermittent issue where if the value in the custom field is replaced, the field displays a blank value instead of the new value.
     No action required
    GLWC-412 Project - Constraints - Duplicate Scheduling Conflict dialogue Previously, when a scheduling conflict happens, a conflict dialogue pops up. After selecting an option or closing the window, the conflict dialogue displays again. Now, the conflict dialogue only displays once.  No action required
    GLWC-415 Project - Template and Save As carry over data that shouldn't 

    The following values are no longer carried over when applying templates or using the "Save As" feature to clone projects:

    • Project Task Actual Effort
    • Project and Project Task Chatter posts
     No action required
    GLWC-418 Project - "List All Salesforce Tasks" Dialogue Issues The following items have been resolved for the "List All Salesforce Tasks" dialogue:
    • "Status" column is now visible 
    • Value in Salesforce Task "Comments" field is now correctly being displayed under "Description" 
     No action required
    GLWC-488 Project - Console - Task Fixed Panel Disappears when Navigating When using Gantt LWC via a Console app, if the user has multiple Projects open, and the user navigates between the open Projects via the sub-tabs, then the Task fixed panel now displays correctly. No action required
    GLWC-435 Resource LWC - Calendar Issues When using the calendar in resource utilization to specify a date range, the following now work correctly:
    • Click on "Apply" now correctly applies the selected date range
    • Resource utilization now correctly displays for the selected date range
     No action required
    GLWC-437 Resource LWC - Attribute search bar retains value after being cleared Previously, when clearing the attributes after searching, it retained the attribute and required you to manually refresh the page. With this fix, it now correctly clears attributes without requiring a manual refresh. No action required


    Legacy Components and Other Items

    This section provides updates on our legacy components, including Gantt Visualforce, Portfolio Visualforce, and Resource Allocation, in addition to detailing enhancements and fixes across various aspects of Inspire Planner like Inspire Planner System Jobs and the External Project Portal. While we continue to support these legacy components, we want to highlight our strategic shift towards prioritizing development on Lightning Web Components (LWC). This move is in line with our goal to harness the latest Salesforce technologies for delivering solutions that are not only more efficient and scalable but also rich in features. We encourage our users to start considering the transition to LWC-based components, to fully benefit from the continuous innovations within Inspire Planner.








    Impact/Action Needed

    IP-752 External Project Portal - Security Updates We made refinements to the external project portal to improve security. No action required


    Resolved Issues




    Impact/Action Needed

    IP-693 Project - Predecessor with Lag updates generates duplicate SQ record When a task has a predecessor with lag, and where the predecessor Start Date, Finish Date, or Duration is updated, it is now updating the Process Date of the existing Sync Queue record instead of creating a new one. No action required
    IP-714 Beacon - Restore Sharing Job fails for Inactive Users  When you switch the project owner from one user to another and where the former owner is now an inactive user, the Restore Sharing Job now executes correctly. No action required
    IP-533 Trigger - Pull our collaborator trigger from "Disable Triggers" Custom Setting Previously, when "Disable Triggers" custom setting is set to TRUE, and projects are imported, it was not creating a collaborator record for the project owner. This then causes an issue when you attempt to change the project owner. With this fix, the collaborator trigger is excluded from the "Disable Triggers" custom setting. This means that even when the "Disable Triggers" custom setting is set to TRUE, the trigger that creates collaborator records will continue to execute. No action required
    IP-751 External Project Portal - Error when Project has no Tasks Previously, when a project without tasks is shared with an external collaborator, it would cause errors when the external collaborator registers as a new user. With this fix, the external collaborator is able to register and open the project in the external project portal even if the project has no tasks. No action required

    Deprecated Items




    Impact/Action Needed

    IP-522 Project Task - Deprecate Role Field 

    The Role field in Project Task object has now been deprecated. The Role field will no longer be displayed as a default column in the Project Gantt.

    If you have not migrated from Role to Multi-Role, please do the following:

    1. You can add the "Role" field in the "Inspire Planner - Custom Fields" field set in the project task object to add the Role column in the Project Gantt. 
    2. To migrate values from Role to Multi-Role (please see Admin Guide - Migrating from Role to Multi-Role
    3. If the Role field is included in a report or dashboard, remove it and replace with Multi-Role field.
    4. Once you've migrated from Role to Multi-Role, remove the "Role" Field from the "Inspire Planner - Custom Fields" field set in the project task object


     Please see description for instructions on how to prepare your org
    IP-685 Resources - Deprecate Resources Tab 

    The Resources tab has now been deprecated and will no longer be displayed as an available tab in the Inspire Planner tab ribbon.


    If you would like to continue using the legacy Resource Allocation VF page, you can click on the Edit Icon (pencil icon) at the end of the tab ribbon and add the tab back.

    If you would like to start using the Resource Lightning Web Component (LWC):

    1. Remove the Resources Tab from any apps where this tab has been added. 
    2. Begin using the Resource Lightning Web Component (LWC) and train your users to use this component instead. 
     If you are using custom permission sets, you will need to remove access to this tab.


    Release Notes

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