OCT 2024 - Maintenance 2 - 1.367.10

    See below for what's included with Inspire Planner's Oct 2024 - Maintenance 2 (1.367.10)


    Released To: 
    All Environments: January 20, 2025, at 10 PM EST


    Available In: 
    All Environments: January 21, 2025



    Item #


    Resolved Issue




    Impact/Action Needed

    IP-676 Project - Applying templates requires "Create" permission Applying templates to a project no longer requires that the user has "create" permission for the Project object. No action required
    IP-656 Reconcile Rollup Data - Fails even when user profile is a clone of System Admin The Reconcile Rollup Data button on the Project Detail now correctly executes for users with a user profile that is a clone of the System Admin. No action required
    IP-682 Time Tracker - Weekly view outside margins in Salesforce Task When viewing a Salesforce Task in "Split View" mode, the Weekly view in Time Tracker now correctly displays within its margins. No action required
    IP-731 Conversion Toolkit - Toolkit not handling blank predecessors When a Must-start-on constraint is added to a task where "Violation Detected" is TRUE, and the predecessor is removed, the Predecessor Violation Script now correctly sets "Violation Detected" back to FALSE. 

    Salesforce Production Environment:

    If you have already installed the Gantt LWC Conversion Toolkit in your Salesforce Production environment, you will need to update it using this link


    Salesforce Sandbox Environment:

    If you have already installed the Gantt LWC Conversion Toolkit in sandbox environment, you will need to update it using

    this link
    IP-746 Beacon Job - Project Sharing Job does not consider OWD (Public Read or Read/Write) The Beacon job now considers the Organization-wide default sharing settings for the Project object. Previously, the job that processes sharing records was failing if the OWD was set to "Public Read Only" or "Public Read/Write". If your organization-wide default (OWD) sharing setting for Project object is set to "Public Read Only" or "Public Read/Write, or if you have previously experienced issues with users not being able to edit projects despite being granted read/write access, you will need to go to Inspire Planner Settings (in the app launcher), look for the setting called "Reconcile Collaborator and Roll-up Data" and then click on "Reconcile Data" button.


    Gantt LWC 

    This section contains fixes we've made specific to the Gantt LWC. 


    Item #


    Resolved Issue




    Impact/Action Needed

    GLWC-333 Project - Project Task Custom Status values cause errors Previously, if the default project task status "Not Started" was deactivated and the default task status was set to a custom value, saving the project produced an "Attempt to de-reference a null object" error. With this fix, the project is now saved successfully. No action required
    GLWC-379 Project - Save on Open does not trigger save When "Save on Open" is set to TRUE for a project, and you open the project in Gantt LWC, it now correctly saves the project. No action required
    GLWC-382 Project - Error when Custom Picklist Field Label does not match API name Previously, when adding a custom picklist field as a column in either Gantt LWC or Gantt VF, an error  displays if the Label is different from the API name. With this update, no error is produced even when the Label and API Name do not match. No action required
    GLWC-466 Project - Insert Multi-Template Feature - Inserting a template with no tasks does not apply nonworking days from the template When a template is applied to a project using the "Insert Multi-Template" feature, and where the template contains no tasks but has nonworking days, the nonworking days are now correctly applied to the destination project. No action required
    GLWC-467 Project - Unable to set picklist value to "None" If a picklist field had a prior value, you can now set it back to "none". No action required
    IP-707 Project - Save fails when copying/pasting 300+ tasks with multi-role Previously, when copying and pasting over 300 tasks where multi-role is populated, saving the project caused errors. With this update, the project now correctly saves without issues. No action required

    Resource LWC

    This section contains fixes and enhancements we've made specific to the Resource LWC. 


    Item #






    Impact/Action Needed

    IP-661 Resource LWC - Add filter by Project Status A new filter has been added to Resource Utilization to allow you to filter by project status. For example, you may choose to filter out utilization for tasks that belong to completed projects. When filtering by project status or task status, these filters are not saved. This means that if you leave or reload the page, you will need to re-apply filters. As part of the FEB 2025 Major release, we will be adding the ability to save filters per user.
    IP-569 Resource LWC - Ability to filter out completed tasks A new filter has been added to Resource Utilization to allow you to filter tasks by status. When filtering by project status or task status, these filters are not saved. This means that if you leave or reload the page, you will need to re-apply filters. As part of the FEB 2025 Major release, we will be adding the ability to save filters per user.
    IP-570 Resource LWC - Ability to filter tasks by status A new filter has been added to Resource Utilization to allow you to filter tasks by status. When filtering by project status or task status, these filters are not saved. This means that if you leave or reload the page, you will need to re-apply filters. As part of the FEB 2025 Major release, we will be adding the ability to save filters per user.
    IP-704 Resource LWC - Page gets stuck when a user assigns an attribute created by another user The page no longer gets stuck when assigning attributes owned by other users. When you perform an action that is not allowed (such as deleting an attribute you do not own), an error now displays to inform you. No action required


    Release Notes

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