JUN 2024 - Maintenance 1 - 1.357.7

    See below for what's included with Inspire Planner's Jun 2024 - Maintenance 1 (1.357.7)


    Released To: 
    All Environments: July 29, 2024 at 10 PM EST


    Available In: 
    All Environments: July 30, 2024



    Item #


    Resolved Issue




    Impact/Action Needed

    IP-610 Project - Reassignment Issues with Community Users 

    We've made adjustments to our task assignment logic so that when tasks are assigned/re-assigned, a Team Rollup sync queue record is created and when the Beacon runs, Total Allocated Effort in Project Team records correctly update.


    This addresses the TeamEffortRollupBatchJob "argument cannot be null" error that users were receiving.

     No action required
    IP-558 Project - Remove Constraints from Template Inheritance When a template is applied during project creation or after a project is created, values in Constraint Type and Constraint Date are no longer inherited from the template. 

    For more information on what gets inherited from templates, please see Project Templates - What Gets Inherited
     No action required
    IP-621 Project - Auto Assignment Fails when creating child tasks Auto assignment now correctly executes when project tasks are indented under a parent task. No action required
    IP-638 Project - Custom Project Create causing query limit error We've made improvements to our logic to decrease the number of queries being made when creating new projects. No action required
    IP-585 Project Trigger - Error Handling for Missing Owner Collaborator 

    We've added error handling for when the project owner is updated and the former project owner does not exist as a project collaborator. 


    With this update, when you change the project owner and the former owner does not exist as a collaborator, a collaborator record with "viewer" access is automatically created for the former owner and a new collaborator record for the new owner is created.

     No action required
    IP-604  Project Task Trigger - Failure with Update Batch Parent Task trigger now correctly executes even when the same task update occurs in the same batch. No action required
    IP-599 Beacon Job - Add error handling to avoid invalid SQ Data 'ProjectTeamCreateJob' We've added error handling in the "TeamEffortRollupBatch" apex job to prevent errors related to Project Team creation when tasks are re-assigned. No action required
    IP-611 Beacon Job - Failed Sync Queue to Restore Sharing Job We've made adjustments to our Project Sharing logic so that if the user does not have access to "Permission Level" in the Collaborator object, it is still correctly creating a "Restore Project Sharing" Sync Queue record.  No action required
    IP-591 Portfolio LWC - Templates display even when "Exclude Template" is TRUE Project templates are no longer displayed in the default project list in the "Add Projects" dialogue when "Exclude Templates" is TRUE.

    Also, when templates are included in the portfolio, they now correctly display under "Projects in Portfolio" even when "Exclude Templates" is TRU to allow users to remove them from the Portfolio.
     No action required.
    IP-574 Resource LWC - Booking Tasks do not display when linked to a project When the Default Planned Effort Custom Setting has a value of "0" and when a booking task of type "vacation" is linked to a project, it is correctly creating a project task record in the project and correctly displays in Resource Utilization. No action required
    IP-593 Resource LWC - When Default Planned Effort is 0, it is displaying in Utilization When "Default Planned Effort" custom setting is set to "0", and Task Planned Effort is NULL, these tasks no longer display in Resource Utilization. No action required
    IP-594 Resource LWC - Completed tasks are displaying as dark grey When a task is complete (or equivalent custom status), it now correctly displays the task subject in green in Resource Utilization. No action required
    IP-600 Resource LWC - Plotting Inconsistencies When updating "Zoom" from Days to Weeks or Months, and shifting the time frame to the left to move to the previous time span, resource utilization is now plotting correctly and also rolling up to Resource level. No action required
    IP-527 Salesforce Task - Support Reassignment for Non-Licensed Users When a non-Inspire Planner user reassigns the Salesforce Task, the Beacon now correctly updates the sysAssignedToIds in the Project Task record. No action required
    IP-605 Stopwatch - Revert logic to display active timer on tasks With this update, if the stopwatch is running for a task (for example - Task A) and you open another task in another tab/window (for example - Task B), the stopwatch component will display the running timer for Task A. You can then either stop it, or log the time. If you choose to log time, it will correctly log the time for Task A and allow you to then run a new timer for Task B.

    For more information, please see How to Log Time using the Stopwatch Component
     No action required
    IP-637 Stopwatch - Listener Refresh and Usability Issues When a user stops the stopwatch and there is a delay between when the stopwatch was stopped and the time is logged (such as when the user is populating a description), it now correctly creates a time entry record. No action required
    IP-607 Time Tracker - Time logged against wrong case when switching between cases When time tracker is enabled for case object, and you have multiple case records open in Service console, time entries are now logged correctly for each case.

    For more information on how to log time using Time Tracker, please see Logging Time with Time Tracker.
     No action required
    IP-614 Apex - Upgrade API version to new version We've updated applicable Apex code to ensure they are no longer using API version 30.0 or lower. No action required



    Gantt LWC 

    This section contains fixes we've made specific to the Gantt LWC. 


    Item #


    Resolved Issue




    Impact/Action Needed

    GLWC-356 Gantt LWC & VF - Copy/Paste working inconsistently We've made adjustments to the copy/paste function so that it copies and pastes tasks correctly when copying and pasting tasks within the same project and between projects. No action required
    GLWC-367 Gantt LWC - Add column highlight to active filter When there is a filter applied to a column, it now highlights the column heading.

    For more information, please see Gantt LWC - Column Quick Filter Bar
     No action required
    GLWC-368 Gantt LWC - Make Salesforce Task Subject Linkable When viewing Salesforce Tasks via the "Salesforce Task Icon", the Task Subject is now an active link. No action required
    GLWC-378 Gantt LWC - Performance Issues when opening/updating Projects We've made optimizations to how data is queried to improve performance when loading and updating projects. No action required


    Release Notes

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