Share Projects by Adding Project Collaborators

    By default, only the project owner can make changes to the Project. If you would like to provide other users with read/write access to the Project, you would need to add them as Project Collaborators.


    External contacts may also be added as Project Collaborators. When an external contact is added as a Project Collaborator, the contact is then able to view projects and update their tasks via the Inspire Planner External Portal.


    Please note the following when sharing projects with External Contacts:

    • You must have Streaming API enabled within Salesforce
    • In the Inspire Planner Settings page, enable the setting called "Enable sharing of projects to external contacts".


    This article will walk you through how to add Project Collaborators.




    Start with the video below:




    Share a Project with another User

    This section will walk you through how to share a project with another user.


    1. Go to the Project you would like to share.
    2. Click on the Add Project Collaborator icon within the Project Toolbar on the left.

    3. Click on Add Collaborators.

    4. Search for the user by entering the person's name in the Share To field and click on the search icon beside it.

    5. A list of users and contacts that match the name you entered will be returned as a result. Select the user you wish to share the project with by placing a checkmark beside their name and click on Select.

      Note the "Type" column that tells you whether the person is a user or contact within Salesforce.

    6. Next, specify the permission level. 

      Viewer - This provides read-only access to the project and does not permit the user to modify any of the project tasks. The user, however, is able to add Chatter posts, customize the project view, save a copy of the project, export to MS Excel, print the project plan and upload and view files for project tasks.

      Editor - This provides full access to the project and permits the user to modify project tasks, add collaborators, add chatter posts and upload files.

    7. Then, you would need to specify Task Visibility. Since Project and Project Task are master-detail, this means that users added as collaborators to the Project always see the full project. It is not possible to limit the tasks they see within the project.

    8. Click on Share

      Please Note:
      If the user you are adding to the Project is not an Inspire Planner User, set "Send Email" to FALSE. Otherwise an error will display telling you that the user is not an Inspire Planner user.


    Share a Project with an External Contact

    This section will walk you through how to share a project with an external contact.


    1. Go to the Project you would like to share.
    2. Click on the Add Project Collaborator icon within the Project Toolbar on the left.

    3. Click on Add Collaborators.

    4. Search for the contact by entering the person's name in the Share To field and click on the search icon beside it.

    5. A list of users and contacts that match the name you entered will be returned as a result. Select the contact you wish to share the project with by placing a checkmark beside their name and click on Select.

      Note the "Type" column that tells you whether the person is a user or contact within Salesforce.

    1. Next, select Viewer as the Permission Level. External contacts can only be granted viewing permissions to the Project.

    2. Then, you would need to specify Task Visibility.

      Assigned Tasks Only - means that the contact can only see the tasks that have been assigned to them.

      Full Project - means that the contact can see the entire project.

    3. Click on Share. An email is then sent to the contact, informing them that a project has been shared with them.

      The first time the contact goes to the Inspire Planner External Portal, they are prompted to create an account with a password. The contact can then go back and log in to the portal using the same email and password.

      Since the contact can only be granted viewing permissions on the project, the contact is not able to make changes to the project. However, if their are tasks assigned to the contact, he/she can update the task status, log actual effort and enter a description. The contact will need to click on the List my Salesforce Tasks icon to update their assigned tasks. For more information on how a contact would update their tasks, please see Using the Inspire Planner External Portal.




    Project Collaboration

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